Free menstrual health managing stress workbook

Distinguish between your life stressors and cycle stressors, and use the techniques provided to limit stress and avoid worsened physical and emotional symptoms.

Stress is a normal part of life, shows up in many forms, and affects us in many different ways.

Prolonged or unhelpful cycles of stress can cause physical and emotional changes in our menstrual cycles such as missing periods, or length and heaviness of bleeds, irregular periods, worsened PMS symptoms and can impact negatively on our hormones and affect hormone based disorders like PMDD and PCOS.

Learning to manage both our life stressors and our cycle stressors can limit the impact on our cycle symptoms, resulting is happier, healthier and more manageable periods!

What you’ll find inside;

  • Life stressors vs cycle stressors

  • The stress cycle

  • Your stress experience worksheet

  • Task management worksheet

  • Balanced life exercise