We offer coaching and a cycle strategy to bring you peace and relief by your second cycle.

Become friends with your flow. Get pally with your periods. You’ll be spending an awful lot of time together!

The strategy for anybody who is tired of severe premenstrual symptoms and emotional dysregulation month on month…

Strategy Session

A deep dive into your symptoms and lifestyle with a written management plan including personalised nutrition, exercise, supplement support, mindset guidance and cycle syncing practices to tackle your pain points.

What is included?

  • review of questionnaire and food/exercise diary (to be completed by the client prior to your session)

  • 2 hour 1:1 strategy session - a deep dive into your current experience including biggest pain points, goals, current lifestyle and hormone health pillars

  • written management plan - you can expect to receive it within 3 working days of your session. You should commit to the management plan and advice for 2 cycles and should begin to see changes from your second cycle.

  • Review call - after two cycles, to review progress and discuss any further goals

  • Supporting resources such as stress management guides, relationship workbooks and action worksheets