Here to provide you with easy to implement, accessible holistic support throughout your reproductive years and beyond…


As women we’re constantly evolving and facing challenges and changes. Many are exhausted by the ups and downs of hormones and the rollercoaster it brings.

From my own experience with premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD) and polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) I know that a full, holistic approach can make lifechanging, positive impacts on your mental and physical wellbeing.

We’re here to help you with education, coaching and resources that is backed by evidence, tried and tested - and create a community of support for all of our Happy Hormones Club’ers.

I am ALL too familiar with the feeling of being on a hormonal rollercoaster ride. I spent many years battling against the symptoms of two hormone disorders; premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD) and polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), I completely feared the rest of my reproductive life, changes of pregnancy/motherhood, and what was to come with perimenopause/menopause. I felt if nothing changed it wouldn’t be worth living it. 

I left most doctors appointments feeling confused about how there could be such little support in this area, and defeated because treatment options were incredibly limited. I had fear that my PCOS meant I would struggle to conceive (amongst other issues), whilst also battling with feeling like the only real PMDD solution would be to have a hysterectomy, and remove that option for me anyway.

I didn’t want to be ruled by fear, so I set on the path of discovery; learning, training, reading, studying. How do we support ourselves to achieve cycle and hormonal health? How do we reduce symptoms without needing treatment that comes with a whole host of side effects? How do I work on my mindset to change my relationship with my inner powers and challenge my fear?

I found my life completely transformed for the better when I started to focus on these pillars of hormone health; nutrition, movement, environment, lifestyle and mindset.

It’s my mission to support other women to feel the same way, to create a community where we don’t feel alone, and to make evidence backed tools and resources for happier hormones and healthier cycles more accessible and easy to implement.

Our Core Values

We help you to feel the best you have ever felt, by focusing on key pillars for hormone health..

“everything completely changed for me when I started to focus on these key pillars, making a management plan around them that worked for me. I saw huge reductions in my symptoms, and took major leaps with my self compassion and self love.”